Living in an eco-village is what sustainability dreams are made of! These communities offer unity, freedom, and peace.
However, it’s not for everyone. Some people who believe in living an environmentally friendly life might enjoy the way they’re doing it right now more. Before you take the leap and move to one of the many eco-friendly communities scattered around the globe, it’s best to familiarize yourself with how they really work. While they all have values similar to yours, each community differs from one another.

What is Eco Living?
When you’re living in an eco-friendly way, you participate in eco-living. The idea behind eco-living is to protect the planet, live in harmony with co-inhabitants, and ensure the future of human life.
Every change you make at home towards a more self-sufficient lifestyle contributes to these goals.
How Does Eco Living Work?
Eco-living is a commitment you make by taking hands with others to build a sustainable living community. While every eco-village has unique practices, they share a common enemy: the world we know today. The inhabitants of eco-villages all want to live in harmony with one another and the environment.
Eco communities work by promoting social, economic, and environmental sustainability. Each village has systems to foster good relationships with animals and humans, achieve financial freedom, and protect the environment.
Some practices in the different eco-friendly communities around the world are:
Shared Driving Arrangements: Instead of each property having a personal vehicle, community members share a set number of cars. You can either book it for personal use or carpool with others.
Organic Gardening: Most sustainable villages believe in organic gardening. Community members keep these gardens afloat, and food is freely available to all. When certain foods cannot be produced in the eco-village, it is usually outsourced but still organic.
Renewable Energy: Another common practice in eco-communities is the use of renewable energy. Many villages ban fossil fuel energy, and some have renewable power sources set up that can serve all the residents.

Building Materials: Some sustainable living communities only use natural and reclaimed building materials.
Unity: One of the main goals of eco-villages is to live in harmony with one another. To achieve this, many make all decisions affecting the community as a unit. Every single member of the village may have an input in this process if they want to.
The Use of Substances: Many eco-villages prohibit alcohol, drugs (even recreational), and tobacco. Others designate areas where these can be used or even assign time slots.
Community Hours: While many eco-villages strive to be a place where you can enjoy your freedom, they still have working hours in place. Typically, these working hours aren’t set on the clock, and you’re simply asked to contribute a certain number of hours to community development each week.
Zero Waste: A big part of living sustainably is producing no waste. Eco-villages use sustainable items, re-use what they can, and recycle what they can’t.
While every community has its own practices, all ways of living lead to sustainability.
When you commit to living in an eco-village and following eco-living principles, your actions should always contribute to a more sustainable future.

What Is It Like to Live in An Eco Village?
The number one thing you should have when you’re planning to become a member of an eco-village is an open mind. Living in a sustainable community is not for the faint-hearted, and there are many lifestyle changes you’ll have to make. While you’ll be in a peaceful environment, it isn’t without challenges.
Eco-friendly communities have a lot to offer. Whether you’re in search of emotional growth or physical challenges, you’ll find both. Here’s some insight into what it’s like to live in an eco-friendly village:
There’s a Sense of Oneness
One of the main reasons people choose to live in eco-communities is to be around and connect with other people who think, feel, and live as they do. These villages offer unity, and the lifestyle you’re probably judged for by most of your current neighbors will be acceptable.
You’ll also experience a sense of oneness when trouble arises. Sustainable living communities band together when their village or a member thereof faces a challenge, so it’ll never feel like you’re fighting alone.
You’ll Face Challenges You’ve Never Had Too Before
If you’re moving from a suburban community to an eco-friendly one, adjusting might take a while. Usually, when you run out of eggs, milk, or bread, there’s a shop around the corner. When you’re living in an eco-village, you’ll have to wait for the chickens to lay eggs or the flour to raise.
While neighbors will help you out or the community food lot will have what you need available, there are times when this isn’t the case. The everyday luxuries you’re used to will be a thing of the past, and you’ll have to learn how to plan your life around what you have available.
Another point of sustainable living is how life happens. If you’re not already implementing most of what the community you choose practices, you’ll have a lot to learn. In eco-communities, the community members are responsible for keeping everything in their desired condition. They tend to their houses, gardens, learning centers, and everything else themselves.
To be part of these communities, you’ll have to do your part. If you’re not used to living this way, it will take emotional and physical strength to adapt.

To Conclude
Being part of a sustainable living community should be something you’ve dreamed of if you’re considering making a move. It’s not as hippie-ish or glamorous as some make it out to be. You’ll need to adapt, re-learn how to live, and have a lot of determination to make it work.
If your mind is wandering to living in an eco-village, I suggest you spend some time at a few different ones until you find your happy place.